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A unique platform created to help you find the best ETF for you!


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What makes ETFs different?

1 transaction@1x

One Transaction, Many Shares

An ETF can hold many shares across various industries, or it could be isolated to one particular industry or sector.

2 easy buy@1x

Easy to Buy, Easy to Sell

Purchase an ETF with one easy, single transaction.

3 risk spread@1x

Your Risk is Spread

A single ETF holds various shares

4 tfsa@1x


Many ETFs qualify for a Tax-Free Savings Account.


What is an ETF exactly?

Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) are passively managed investment funds that track the performance of a basket of pre-determined assets and is a collection of individual assets. That can invest in stocks, commodities, bonds, currencies or a mixture of different assets to give you basically anything your heart desires… In the investment world. Watch the video to learn more.

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Top performing ETFs

*data rounded up to 2 decimal places
JSE Code Fund Name Provider
1 Week
3 Months
1 Year
3 Years
5 Years
undefined 1nvest SWIX 40 ETF 1nvest 54.97 62.70 97.92 27.80 20.07 77.63
undefined Krugerrand Custodial Certificate RMB n/a 4.05 27.77 18.28 16.55 22.05
undefined Satrix RESI ETF Satrix -1.07 6.96 23.70 -8.12 11.33 16.72
undefined Sygnia Itrix EUROSTOXX50 ETF Sygnia 2.93 16.19 8.37 21.92 15.31 12.90
undefined Satrix Shari'ah Top 40 ETF Satrix -0.55 7.78 21.94 -5.22 9.29 12.56
undefined Satrix MSCI China ETF Satrix -1.57 17.09 34.18 7.19 n/a 11.29
undefined Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF Sygnia -1.57 15.75 20.67 n/a n/a 11.26
undefined 1nvestGold ETF 1nvest 0.15 12.36 35.02 21.15 16.18 10.23
undefined NewGold ETF ABSA 0.11 12.29 34.93 21.11 16.16 10.15
undefined 10X DivTrax ETF 10X -1.00 10.07 21.02 10.97 4.40 9.75
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Most Popular ETF's on EasyEquities

*Number of buys on EasyEquities
JSE Code Fund Name Provider
1 Week
1 Month
3 Months
1 Year
3 Years
5 years
undefined Satrix 40 ETF Satrix 12372 23073 117873 480788 1458501 2312619
undefined Satrix DIVI ETF Satrix 2586 5431 32096 127943 419987 662598
undefined Satrix S&P 500 Satrix 9195 19561 56682 200051 457161 636348
undefined Satrix NASDAQ 100 Feeder Satrix 7160 15111 43085 157683 364359 553955
undefined Satrix MSCI World ETF Satrix 6445 12535 34068 130771 325610 529310
undefined Satrix INDI ETF Satrix 1995 3651 20322 80714 240866 409056
undefined Satrix FINI ETF Satrix 1197 2361 15765 63516 194886 307369
undefined Sygnia Itrix 4th Industrial Revolution Sygnia 960 1857 10596 30095 103366 250639
undefined 1nvest S&P 500 Info Tech ETF 1nvest 2688 5830 18713 73669 149960 236827
undefined Satrix Property ETF Satrix 1136 2455 13943 49037 136136 227715
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Dividend Calculator

Select a date and year to view the ETF's with a LTD (Last Day to Trade) in the selected period.

Fund Name LDT Next Payable Date Distribution Amount
Satrix Inflation-linked Bond ETF 16-Jan-2024 01-Oct-2024 4.04c
Satrix TRACI 3 Month ETF 23-Apr-2024 01-Oct-2024 56.27c
Dollar Custodial Certificate 04-Jun-2024 01-Oct-2024 1280.7c
2YR Dollar Custodial Certificates 18-Jun-2024 01-Oct-2024 2690.5c
Sygnia Itrix 4th Industrial Revolution 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 2.62c
Sygnia Itrix EUROSTOXX50 ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 148.96c
Sygnia Itrix Top 40 ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 123.57c
Sygnia Itrix MSCI US ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 15.69c
Sygnia Itrix MSCI Emerging Markets 50 ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 15.21c
Sygnia Itrix S&P Global 1200 ESG ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 38.15c
Sygnia Itrix Global Property ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 53.01c
Sygnia Itrix MSCI Japan ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 10.03c
Sygnia Itrix FTSE100 ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 288.2c
Sygnia Itrix MSCI World ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 32.78c
Sygnia Itrix S&P 500 ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 49.78c
Sygnia Itrix Solactive Healthcare 150 ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 17.99c
Sygnia Itrix New China Sectors ETF 09-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 9.34c
10X DivTrax ETF 16-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 41.98c
10X Scientific Beta Multi Factor ETF 16-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 64.18c
10X S&P Global Dividend ETF 16-Jul-2024 01-Oct-2024 16.58c
FNB Global 1200 Equity Fund of Funds ETF 20-Aug-2024 01-Oct-2024 33.51c
FNB World Government Bond ETF 20-Aug-2024 01-Oct-2024 3.19c
Satrix Capped All Share ETF 10-Sep-2024 01-Oct-2024 9.07c
Reitway Global Property ETF 08-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 5.32c
Reitway Global Property ESG Prescient ETF 08-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 5.49c
Reitway Global Property Diversified Prescient ETF 08-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 5.13c
Satrix Low Volatility ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 10.87c
Satrix ILBI ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 7.18c
Satrix GOVI ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 302.2c
Satrix Shari'ah Top 40 ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 2.71c
10X SA Property Income ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 6.06c
10X Yield Selected Bond ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 30.52c
10X S&P Global Property ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 55.76c
10X Total World ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 10.13c
10X S&P 500 ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 37.33c
Satrix DIVI ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 3.75c
Satrix FINI ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 22.97c
Satrix RAFI 40 ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 22c
Satrix SWIX Top 40 ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 11.79c
Satrix 40 ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 69.79c
Satrix RESI ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 45.63c
Satrix Quality South Africa ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 7.38c
Satrix Momentum ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 10.06c
Satrix Global Aggregate Bond 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 51.29c
Satrix Global Infrastructure ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 40.48c
Satrix Value Equity ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 18.74c
10X Top50 ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 30.44c
10X Wealth Govi Bond 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 27.35c
Satrix INDI ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 69.23c
Satrix Property ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 8.77c
Satrix SA Bond ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 25.9c
Satrix Inclusion and Diversity ETF 15-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 12.48c
FNB MidCap ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 6.5c
FNB Top40 ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 72.51c
1nvest Global Govt Bond ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 100.18c
1nvest MSCI World Socially Responsible Investment Index Feeder ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 35.33c
1nvest Top 40 ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 64.98c
1nvest SWIX 40 ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 8.03c
FNB Inflation ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 22.06c
1nvest SA Bond 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 267.21c
1nvest Global REIT Index ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 17.28c
1nvest ICE US Treasury Short Bond Index Feeder ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 71.63c
1nvest SA Property ETF 22-Oct-2024 01-Oct-2024 10.7c

There are no bundles matching Mar-2025 as the LDT

Why ETFs?

Investing in ETFs is a no-brainer and the ultimate investment tool. 

There are many reasons why to invest in an ETF.

Watch the video to learn more.

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